Monday 18 April 2016

3D Art Production: Reflections

The 3D modeling aspect of this course has been extremely challenging for me this year. It has challenged perception of art creation and has pushed me to be far more considerate of my designs in 2D concept art. Maya was extremely daunting at first, but now I feel far more confident and even find some joy in creating models.

The statue was probably less stressful than the rest of the battle arena. Maybe this is just experience and confidence, or just that we had more time to produce a singular element, but it was really exciting to watch this come together.

I still had issues with uv unwrapping and stitching; many of the seams aren't in places I would have liked and created some texture clashing and stretching. This is certainly something to work on over the course of the summer and next year. The arena in comparison now feels smaller and more rudimentary but again, I can chalk this up to experience. I made some small changes to it and added some animations to make it more immersive.  Overall I'm very happy with my statue and look forward to more challenges in Maya and Unity.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Visual Design: Scifi Ship!

And for the final task this year, we were asked to combine what we had learnt in visual design and what we had learnt in 3D design and use those skills to create a Sci Fi ship set at the most, 100 years in the future.

I aimed to create something utilitarian and realistic. Quaint even! I combined a moodboard of my favourite images for inspiration and began sketching out ideas.

I kept leaning towards this flying ship. a Literal ship. Maybe a flying medical barge that travels the dangerous skies about the seas, looking to rescue stranded travellers in a post apocalyptic landscape. The Star Destroyer had a strong silhouette but it felt just too futuristic for the brief.

With that in mind, I headed into Maya and began using primitive shapes to create a structure similar to this flying barge that I wanted to go forward with. It was important to me that it had railings and looked like a cobbled together piece of tech. Like a retrofitted boat. 

After finalizing the model I rigged up some lighting and tried to get some great shots of my model to paint up in Photoshop. I could probably have gone far more in depth with the tech on this model, but I wanted it to be very geometric and basic in appearance. 

I then studied plenty of decals and logo's that are found on current jet fighters and general heavy machinery. It is things like that that add an extra layer of realism to concepts. Below are some of the more useful ones I found:

And finally, it was time to take it into Photoshop and paint this up. Yeesh, technology still isn't my jam. I really need to push forward and get to the point where I enjoy and feel confident working on vehicles. They are a key part of the industry and no generalist concept artist can get by without a portfolio containing them. I used multiple textures and tried to hand paint on as much detail as physically possible. Overall I'm not particularly happy with the ship, which is something I haven't said much this year. It may just be the composition, or the colour palette but it just doesn't quite look right. It ended up looking like something out of WoW.

If I was to do this again, I'd probably spend more time trying out different colour swatches to create something more coherent and fit for purpose and try to fit in more logos and decals to make it seem more believable.

The main textures I used:

Final Piece:

Friday 8 April 2016

Gameplay and Interactivity: Momentum Reflections

With the submission coming to an end, it is time to reflect on the project as a whole.

The group was fantastic to work with. All the members were chosen based on their given specific talents. We had a very strong coder and strong 2D artists. I took the charge with leading the main character designs and key animation cycles. We certainly could have managed time more efficiently as part of the team seemed to lose the fantastic momentum we had built up in the run up to the Easter, costing us bug testing time.

This combined with an over ambitious mindset has left us with a product that I'm not overly proud of, as it isn't quite as polished or well executed as I would have liked. Our initial concept of combining the characters momentum with a health and point system was never achieved. The game ended up ridden with bugs that couldn't be fixed and I generally feel that the 2D art team provided all that was necessary to have a successful game with the time given.

 We had to compromise with an alternative point system that works, albeit not living up to the expectations we set for ourselves. Still, a score system is in its place.

I'm happy with the art I contributed to the team - I was a driving force behind the overall aesthetic and developed the looks and animations for the main character and backgrounds. Again, with more time I would have loved to have seen all my work implemented effectively in game. There are countless character sprites and animations that ended up on the cutting room floor because of time mismanagement.

 Not to pretend that my work was perfect. There is a level of polish to certain background elements and animation cycles that if given the chance again, I would execute to a higher level. 2D Sprites are not to be scoffed at. My strengths are in 2D but that didn't stop me doing my part with the scripting and I'd love to be more involved in this next time around, especially to help keep things on track.

Overall, the team worked effectively at the beginning of the project but towards the end time keeping issues impacted the final product. We set out to make a game that is easy to pick up and play and wonderful to look at and I feel that all being said, we partially achieved that. Just a shame that bugs really impact the user experience.

It was an extremely tough, yet enjoyable experience and I have learnt a lot both that I will take into the next challenge.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Gameplay and Interactivity: Bonus Environment!

With the deadline looming, it looked like I had a chance to create another background environment for the game. We were knee deep in bug testing but felt optimistic that we could get everything up and running to the extent that we could justify having a second environment for the player to enjoy.

Early on I generated small thumbnail concepts with Dan and it was pretty unanimous that the Jungle environment I painted was the one to go to full production. It provided a rich, vibrant colour palette that was a world away from the snowy mountains in level one. 

I had to generate this art under tight deadlines, so whilst I would have loved to have brushed up the leaves on the trees a little bit more and generally push the consistency further, it still looks pretty good when running at 1080p ( our target resolution for the game). It would have been wonderful to add some dynamic lighting if the framerate allowed it, but for the sake of time, this just had to be a static piece with no interactive elements. Next time!

Monday 4 April 2016

Life Drawing Update

Here is another life drawing update. Some of these new exercises were truly challenging but yielded great results.

I feel my figure work has come on leaps and bounds this year. Of particular fun were the continuous walking sessions and those in perspective. As someone used to using perspective guides in various software packages, I have gotten into bad habits.

The continuous walking felt a lot like an animation exercise which was timely considering I have been tasked with creating animation frames for the main characters in our Gameplay and Interactivity final project.