Monday 22 February 2016

3D Art Production: Rigging

This post may end up being a slight rant.

Following on from Phil's tutorial regarding rigging the 3D model, I began placing mine inside my model.

After lining up the correct bones within the right limbs, I bound the skin to the rig and started to paint in body weights. The purpose of these is to determine what parts of the model are effected by the skeleton when you begin to move and pose it. Suffice to say, I had a ton of trouble with this and it felt particularly alien to me. I tried removing separate accessories like the sword and breast plate in an attempt to make things smoother but alas, this wasn't meant to be.

After a few failed attempts, I tried the Z-Sphere rigging option in Z-brush.

Now in terms of interface, this felt far smoother to me and I think initially it yielded very solid results, but when upping the poly count after the rigging, errors and holes began to appear. After spending a good hour or two solving these issues, the file corrupted when I placed it back into Maya.

Back to IK painting then!

After watching some tutorials I retroactively placed the paints and this worked very well. I simplified my pose a lot and in the end, ended up with something I was happy with. A lot of my struggles with Maya tend to come from the inorganic process of creating on it, but I normally get over this preconception and create something I'm happy with. Still, Z-brush was a lot of fun to use and I can't wait to dig in further next term!

Final Rigged Model:

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