Monday 26 October 2015

Visual Design: Lava

This weeks task was a fun one. Lava is frequently used in sci fi and fantasy imagery and therefore a staple of video games.

Initially we were given a sculpture and were asked to paint lava details into it:

This was a quick and fun exercise but what really excited me was the assignment for home - To design our own Lava based creature. Concept art is something I've had little flutters with here and there professionally. Coming back to university was as much about honing these skills for 3 years as it was learning new ones.

I started off with some quick line drawings to find shapes and details that I liked, without spending too much time noodling around. Adding a bit of watercolour always helps brings out values and palettes that may transfer over to the final piece.

After choosing aspects that I liked from my favourite designs, I began work on my silhouette. Anyone reading through this blog will notice that this Feng Zhu technique is a huge favourite of mine and one that I regularly use now. 

After finding a shape that I liked, it as time to add in values and colour. Overall I'm happy with the final piece. It feels like I'm starting to understand form and weight a bit more whist becoming a lot more comfortable working details and textures into my pieces. When I started this course 7 weeks ago I came from a comic background and found it  really difficult to not overly render line work in the beginning stages.

Now I'm far less precious and this creates more rounded and 'realistic' looking pieces. I'd love to couple this with more time efficiency and still need to work on my lighting to create a real presence in my characters.

Anyhow, here is the finished piece:

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