Wednesday 11 November 2015

Visual Design: Perspective in environment - Scifi Room

This week we were set the task of creating a typical science fiction room within 2 point perspective.

In the last session, we were introduced to Photoshops built in pen and ruler tools. They are very easy to work with and are excellent at setting up perspective grids to follow when designing architecture or tech. Anything really with inorganic lines to ground them.

First things first: Moodboard! I went for classic, utilitarian sci fi aesthetics. Alien and the Nostromo are HUGE influences on how I visualize science fiction environments.

I started off with a very loose sketch as to not be too precious with details. Using the grey wash I created some basic values to render colour from later on.

After sketching out a design I was happy with, I lined up the perspective rulers and began working in details. I wanted to keep the linework very basic and use colour to indicate the tone and atmosphere. In terms of line work, I decided to go with something a bit more comic based. I'm loving digital painting and will definitely tackle environments in that style later on down the line, but I just had the urge to go back to my roots for this project.

This was a fun exercise and I hadn't used rulers within Photoshop before so this was a very handy one. I usually use other applications for my perspective grids so it was great to go back to basics. If I was to do this again, I'd really go a step further with the colouring to really push the lighting and textures. It looks a little amateur compared to my other work - Next time, I'll definitely paint this from scratch to have it feel aesthetically closer to the rest of my work. The line work could also do with looking a little less hand drawn too. Live and learn!

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