Sunday 8 November 2015

Visual Design: Tentacles

This week's task involved creating a creature that features at least 6 tentacles in its design. It couldn't be in a non realistic style which suited me just fine.

I started off with these quick water colour studies to find features, colour schemes and shapes that I really loved. I tried to go for more variation this time trying to avoid my more typical bipedal designs. This is reflected in the mood board too.

After this, I opened up photoshop and drew a very gestural line drawing of my creature. I ended up with a lot of Giger influences throughout. The tentacles are actually a parasite that attaches itself to living creature and use its body to hunt for food on the deep sea floor. When the host body dies, it finds the next unfortunate victim.

As usual, I went for a silhouette before working in the values and colouring in Photoshop.

This one took a vast amount of time. I wanted the joints to look believable and put a lot of thought into the form and function of the parasite and its host. This is a piece I'm actually pretty proud of. Next time I'd consider pushing the limits with regards to the tentacle design. Really make them alien and violent looking.

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