Monday 23 November 2015

Visual Design: Tank

For this weeks assignment we had to create a tank using values in two point perspective, which is traditionally used when designing vehicles.

I wanted to create something that looked cobbled together but still functional. Rusty, yet futuristic.

I created a mood board full of clunky looking machinery from anime, gaming and toys. Ashley Wood is a comic artist who now creates toys professionally. They always have a cool aesthetic whilst looking chunky and practical. Combining this with an Ian McQue look was my aim.

Midway through drawing the final design I realized it would be difficult to figure out the correct lighting with such a complex series of shapes attached to the main vehicle. The legs and flags didn't help things at all. If I had chosen a less complex design, I would have been able to push the values further, which the task required of us.

All in all, it was an interesting exercise. I've learnt to not go totally over the top in the design stages, too early on. It really can hinder you when working out basic lighting.

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