Wednesday 9 December 2015

3D Art: Battle Arena Milestone 1

With Christmas looming, so does the first deadline for our Battle Arena.

To say it and I have come a long way would be an understatement. I look back at my original moodboard and modelling attempts and can't believe where I'm at now. In the beginning I was so proud of my barrel. It took me HOURS.

Now I would knock that thing out and texture it in minutes. Maybe.

All jokes aside Maya and Unity are nowhere near as daunting as they used to be. Ambient Occlusion no longer sound like a progressive rock band - I can create Normal Maps, paint UV's, stitch them, model with some efficiency and understand how to then take these into Unity and really make them sing.

Having said that, there is HUGE room for improvement still. I need to improve my modelling workflow and get to grips with some of Maya's more intricate features that we have touched on. It is a programme all about confidence I've come to find. I certainly need to simplify my models - This deadline require a 60,000 triangle count. On a superficial level, my arena look pretty, but had I been more efficient with my triangle count when modelling, I could have added some extra areas to battle opponents in. Maybe a bridge or port. A Sci Fi tower looming in the distance. This will all come with experience and time. My columns alone take up a majority of the count.

Now it's time to recharge the batteries and get ready for the second half of the year. And take this bad boy to the next level!

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