Tuesday 12 January 2016

Gameplay and Interactivity: Main Character Design

Another solid meeting with the rest of the team today. We wanted to decide on some important game mechanics and a visual style by the days end.

First up and most importantly was the game mechanic. Understanding the value of mobile gaming and its ease of access, we wanted to create a game that would instantly empower those who picked it up but would reward those that put time and effort in to mastering it.

This meant that the control scheme had to be simple and you had to feel really powerful whilst playing it. That way the player would come back time and time. A true pick up and play title.

1) Pick up and Play
2) Easy control system

When debating how to make it interesting for the player to traverse the map, a grappling hook was repeatedly brought up by members of the team. This would enable the player to look and feel really cool when moving and chain together attacks at speed. The feeling of satisfaction when chaining together a swing, kill combo would be awesome. Perfect for what we were looking to achieve.

We need to further discuss if other modes of movement will be required in the game, but for now we have a solid start.

Now for the visual style. Being heavily inspired off the back of Star Wars Episode VII we knew that we wanted the main character to be a strong female. The question really came down to art style. After throwing a few ideas around, we started to lean towards a very clean, animated style. Something along the lines of DreamWorks concept art. Rayman was also a huge inspiration - It is far more beautiful than it has any right being. It would be a lot of fun to play around with the contrasting imagery of hyper violence and child like visuals.

Before getting started on concept art, we had to work on story as that would inform most of our character designs moving forward. Another solid meeting and no arguments yet! 

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