Friday 15 January 2016

Gameplay and Interactivity: Milestone 1: Pre Production

Next up was our pitch. We presented images of our development process so far in powerpoint and a paper concept which we recorded and showed in video form.

I wasn't overly happy with our pitch as it seemed scattered compared to how solidly our team had worked up until this point. It was clear that there were some big decisions that we still had to make in terms of gameplay and aesthetic.

Ewan made some great points with regards to our main characters being rendered in 3D. Most AAA studios spend 6 weeks modeling an rigging important characters. At this point in the course we had only just begun modeling human shaped characters and hadn't touched rigging them yet. It would be borderline development suicide, to model all of our characters in 3D and then rig them, whilst coding and designing levels in parallel.

Our grappling hook idea was proven in concept by games such as Bionic Commando, but it was made apparent that this would be a very difficult element to program.

Still, despite this slightly deflating us, it did reset our expectations as to what we could achieve within the timeframe we were given.

Time to get to work!

One Sheet:


Proof of Concept Photobash:

Paper Prototype:

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